orderby Posts can be sorted randomly (rand), by date (), or by title (title). The default orderby is date. order Posts can be ordered in ascending (Asc) and descending (Desc) order. The…
Documentation for Developers
orderby Posts can be sorted randomly (rand), by date (), or by title (title). The default orderby is date. order Posts can be ordered in ascending (Asc) and descending (Desc) order. The…
gridalign align the grid in the container to the left, right or center Alignment with gridwidth: Alignment without gridwidth
bypage Enables paging of grids. The number of items that are displayed in the grid is based on the posts per page setting which defaults to the value set in…
Basic Settings responsive is a percentage value that can be used to automatically create a responsive grid. Columns may not calculate exactly. Increase the gutter or reduce the percentage by…
originleft determines the direction that items are added to the grid. When false, the items will be added from the right. originleft is a true/false value that defaults to true…
gutter determines the space between columns. If the border setting is used, it must be less than or equal to the gutter. gutter is an integer value and defaults to…
columnwidth the width of each column in the grid. The image width spans the columns. In version 1, the columnwidth value defaulted to 150. In version 2 (and up), the…
resize determines whether or not the grid resizes when the window is resized. When this is false, you will want to use css styles to make your grid responsive and…
fitwidth Setting this allows the grid to size to content, which makes alignment possible. fitwidth defaults to true unless the responsive setting contains a percentage value.
uniqueid - Use this advanced setting to create unique id's and classes for custom styling and scripts. By default a unique id is generated at runtime and is not static. In…